Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A Creative Slump | Fantastic Beasts

I am very much a person who enjoys doing creative things, painting, writing, acting ect. But recently I have just been having the worst slump imaginable. I started a book a few day ago and got to about 2000 words before I just ran out of ideas - a feat that is very unusual for me I assure you  - the only thing I can effectively do is put my make up on in the morning which I do enjoy I will admit. So now, I have sat myself down in the library to recollect my brain since I have about 4 hours to kill before  dentist appointment which I am anything but looking forward to. It's my dads birthday tomorrow so in the act of celebration we are going out to see Fantastic Beasts which I am DEFINITELY looking forward to as an avid fan of Harry Potter and about 90% of actors in the film, I will let you know what I think but I don't doubt for a second that it will be absolutely amazing since it will be a major let down if it does indeed suck. I painted my nails black last night so they would look nice for my dad but they just had to go and chip, bloody BarryM... though I only have myself to blame due to lack of top coat. Anyway I'm just rambling on a bit, December tomorrow!! Almost Christmas my favourite time of year :D
See You Tomorrow.